Service List

Overdraft Facilities

*Overdraft facility is a kind of business loan where the interest rate is charged only on the used amount i.e on the withdrawal amount.
*The interest would be charged only for the days you've used the facility.

*We provide OD in 2 ways i.e.:
1) Secured OD: Limits will be provided on mortgaging the property.
2) Unsecured OD: Limits will be provided on the basis of company financial and bank statement , and collateral is taken from the customer side.

*Our Interest Rates are very Competitive and Low in the current market.*

Unsecured Funding

1. No collateral and security will be taken in these funding.

2. Funding will be provided on basis of company financials and bank statement.

3. Tenure will be aorund 2 - 5 years.

4. Time for process and disbursement will be 6-7 working days.

*Our Interest Rates are very Competitive and Low in the current market.*

Secured Loan

1. In secured loan we take property/collateral like:

° Residential property.
° Commercial property.
° Industrial Property.
° FD / Machinery.

2. The disbursement time taken for secured loan is 10-15 days.

*Our Interest Rates are very Competitive and Low in the current market.*

Documents Required

Basic Documents requried :

1 . KYC of customer ( Aadhar card , Pan card , Electricity bill of residence and office ).
2. 1 Year Bank statement of the company.
3. GST certificate.
4. Pan card of the company.